Importance of education

Education is the third eye of human beings.An educated person can see only plain water in the river but an educated person
Can see not only water but an electricity in it.only an educated person can judge what is right and what is wrong.
Education is the light of life.without education a person looks as ugly as an animal which has lost its horn and tail.only educated person can lead a civilized uneducated person always spends his life in disorder and darkness.
Education means development. A country cant develop unless it educates its provides manpower -the engineers ,the teachers,mechanics etc.Education teaches everyone to love changes,it teaches everyone to lead easy and comfortable life.Only education produces people honest and learned comfortable is said that a king is respected in his country during his reign but a learned person isrespected all over the world ,not only during his life but also his death.
Education is that wealth which the more we spend ,the more it increases .only the education is the permanent property of a person which remains with him all the time ,any situation.not only his lifetime but after his death also .many people take it as their mental food and all the countries in the world spend more money in the development of education.

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